Thursday 21 May 2009

Day 3 - War memorial near Clan Gunn museum.jpg

I arrived late at the Clan Gunn museum which is situated just a short distance from where the A9 meets the A99. Instead I took the photo of another war memorial. One thing that is clearly apparent is that Scotland believes in honoring its war heroes.

Only a couple of miles to go before I reach my destination for today, for a massive 22 mile walk. That take my total to just over 54 mile in 3 days. Bring it on Aaaaagh.
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  1. Sleep tight, am enjoying the stories and I can already feel the blisters. Wish I was brave enough to do what you are attempting. I will try my best to join you for a walk on a Saturday or a Sunday in kit when you are further South.

    In the meantime: Prepare to march ... March on!

  2. Above all - chin up, spirits up, look to the horizon like the steely-eyed Pikeman you are!
